Exact number about the efficiency of solar panels

2 juni 2015 | Auteur: | Posted in Gezondheid

It is very difficult to give an exact number about the efficiency of solar panels. The efficiency of solar panels is calculated by figuring out the solarpanel yield pers quare meter. This number tells the producer of solar panels how much energy one solar panel can produce in one m². This number is dependent on a lot of factors but the main factors are: the amount of sunlight hitting the panel, the size of the panel, and the efficiency of the solar cells inside of the system.

The first point is probably the most obvious one. Of course solar panels need as much sun as possible. This is why professional solar panel installation companies will always try to investigate at which places the solar panels will catch the most amount of sunlight.

The second point, the size of the panels, is also a pretty obvious one. The bigger the solar panels are the more sunlight that can be collected. This is something that has to be taken with a grain of salt however. A lot of smaller solar panels on the same stretch of land can also produce a lot of energy.

Another aspect that is quite important to find out how efficient your solar panels are has to do with the angle the solar panels are placed in. At some locations, especially in suburban areas, the solar panels will be placed on rooftops. A lot of rooftops are built under an angle and because of this the solar panels will also be placed under an angle. Some angles are better at keeping the solar panels clean. If the solar panels are quite dirty they will not be able to capture as much sunlight.

If solar panels are positioned relatively flat the rainwater, dust, and collecting dirt will not be able to fall off as easily. This means that the solar cell collectors are all covered in a layer of dirt or dust and thus will not collect as much sunlight. To make sure that the solar panel yield per square meter is still at a good level it is recommended to clean the solar panels as much as possible. This of course is a cost vs. benefit calculation however in the long run clean solar panels will last a lot longer. Benefits will definitely outweigh the costs in the long run.

When a consumer is interested in placing solar panels they first want to know how much energy they consume. There are a lot of online tools that will aid you if you want to figure out how much energy you use every year. However an average family will use around 3050 kWh a year. This means that around 12 to 15 solar panels will need to be installed at these houses to produce roughly enough energy to sustain this household. Because of the fact that not all houses are able to hold this many solar panels it is still necessary to use regular energy. However this will be a lot less than before and means that you will earn back the money you invested quite quickly.

The way that a lot of solar panel users earn money is because they stay connected to the grid. On the days that the sun is shining a lot and you use very little energy the excess energy will be given back to the grid. A lot of utility companies offer a program called “net metering” which basically means they will pay you a bit of money to give the energy to someone else. The sun doesn’t always shine however and this means that this money will pay for your energy bill when you run the laundry at night or are watching television when the sun doesn’t shine. This is a more economical option than purchasing a few batteries to store the energy in.

If you would like some more information about the solar panel yield feel free to contact us. We at ILUMEN love clean energy and hope that there will soon be a future with just environmentally friendly houses. However until that time we will be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have regarding solar panels and any other related questions.


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